Startup Costs   Start up Funding Input cells
Expenses   Accounts payable 12,000
Initial Fee Website Development  1,20,000 Debt 67,000
Property Acquisition fees 15,000 Total liabilities 79,000
Websites Insurance Parking Charges 9,500    
Legal and Accounting 14,000 Investor capital 20,000
Training 11,500 Owner capital 61,000
Marketing 25,000 Total capital 81,000
Other 40,000    
    Total Funding 160,000
Total Expenses 2,35,000    
Leasehold Improvements 50,000    
Outside Signs 15,000 Opening Balance Sheet Opening
Computer Equipment 1,60,000    
Security system 30,000 Fixed Assets 2,55,000
    Cash 15,000
Total Fixed Assets 2,55,000 Accounts receivable 0
Cash 15,000 Inventory 3,000
Accounts receivable   Current Assets 18,000
Inventory 3,000 Accounts payable 12,000
Total assets 134,000 Other liabilities  
    Current Liabilities 75,000
Total costs 160,000 Debt 75,000
    Net Assets 18,000
    Capital 81,000
    Retained earnings -254,000
    Equity 5,000
Company Fund0250000250000
Owner  Fund16000025000090000
Total Investment160000500000340000


Advertising for Opening           5,000         55,000               (50,000)
Basic Website Parking Charges           9,500         24,000               (14,500)
Brand Development       120,000       160,000               (40,000)
Down Payment To Start it Work         20,000         50,000               (30,000)
Business Cards/Stationery           5,500         15,000                (9,500)
Business Entity           8,500         33,000               (24,500)
Business Licenses/Permits           7,500       350,000             (342,500)
Computer Hardware/Software       160,000       250,000               (90,000)
Decorating         34,000         65,000               (31,000)
Franchise Start Up Fees           8,500         75,000               (66,500)
Internet Setup Deposit           7,500         15,000                (7,500)
Lease Security Deposit         16,000         50,000               (34,000)
Legal/Professional Fees         12,000         35,000               (23,000)
Office Furniture/Fixtures                  –       350,000             (350,000)
Operating Cash (Working Capital)         25,000       300,000             (275,000)
Point of Sale Hardware/Software           5,000         50,000               (45,000)
Prepaid Insurance           5,500         12,000                (6,500)
Public Utilities Deposits                  –   
Reserve for Contingencies           5,000       150,000             (145,000)
Security System Installation           3,500         35,000               (31,500)
Setup, installation and consulting fees           2,500         10,000                (7,500)
Signage           3,500         35,000               (31,500)
Starting Inventory           2,500           4,000                (1,500)
Telephone           7,500         12,000                (4,500)
Tools & Supplies           5,000         80,000               (75,000)
Travel           5,000         50,000               (45,000)
Truck & Vehicle                  –   
Other 1 (specify)    
Total Fixed Costs484,0002,265,000              (1,781,000)
                                                                                                                Average Monthly Costs
Advertising (Print, Broadcast and Internet)           5,500 
Insurance Online Security Charges            2,500 
Business Vehicle Insurance           1,800 
Employee Salaries and Commissions         30,000 
Online Website Charges Fee               850 
Health Insurance           1,200 
Internet Connection           1,500 
Legal/Accounting Fees         12,000 
Miscellaneous Expenses           7,500 
Lease Payment         16,000 
Owner Salary         50,000 
Payroll taxes or Self-Employment tax           2,500 
Postage/Shipping Costs           3,500 
Security System Monthly Payment           8,500 
Telephone           3,500 
Travel         15,000 
Public Utilities           5,000 
Website Hosting/Maintenance           7,500 
Other 1 (specify)  
Other 2 (specify)  
Total Average Monthly Costs       174,350                  –
x Number of Months               12 
Total Monthly Costs     2,092,200                  –
Total COSTS   2,265,000 (1,781,000)
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (2,355,000)   1,441,000
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